
Allocation of Places for Trips

Although it may vary from trip to trip, the basic criteria for allocating places for trips are as follows.

Whilst early applications are looked on favourably, the school does not operate a ‘first come first served’ system. Allowing a student to participate in a specific trip is decided on by Senior Staff and takes in the opinion of various other Pastoral and Teaching staff.

Where relevant, it is based on the following: 

  • Previous and maintained good behaviour
  • Good attendance
  • Aptitude/commitment for the subject
  • Positive attitude to school in general
  • Participation in previous trips
  • Level of physical fitness/training

The school has a duty, as part of our risk assessment process, to ensure that every trip is managed as safely as possible. It is a great responsibility for staff to take groups of students on educational visits and the Governors and Senior Staff want to ensure that every precaution is taken towards a safe trip. As a result, students may be excluded if there is a fear that they would not respond to staff instructions or behave in a way that may affect the safety of participants or indeed damage the reputation of the school.

Applicants for trips often outnumber the places available, even after applying the criteria above, and it may be necessary to use a random selection method to decide on applicants such as the drawing of lots. Once selected a participants place could be withdrawn should there be changes in relation to the criteria listed above. The school strives to make costs as affordable as possible to parents and has been proactive in facilitating support to some families. The amount of support is limited and varies from trip to trip. Parents can write in confidence to the Headmaster, Mr Williams.

In summary, the general aim of the school is to encourage the widest range of students to enjoy a variety of educational visits within the confines of affordability and safety.


Information about the School's Off-Site Activities Travel & Personal Injury Insurance Policy can be found here.