16-19 Bursary
The fund is made available from the government through its funding body – Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for 16-19 year olds – to provide financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education.
There are two types of 16-19 bursaries:
The amount you may get depends on the costs you have and what you need for your course. This might include money for books, equipment or travel costs to school or college.
The Bursary Administrator is your first point of contact for any queries and should be notified of any absences. The following people are responsible for running the scheme at The Campion School:
Bursary Administrator: Mrs Doherty, Sixth Form and SEND Administrator
Bursary Coordinator: Mr R Pearn
Bursary Appeals: Mr P Larner
The Bursary Coordinator will make the final payment decisions each term. Your payment will only be authorised if (a) your attendance is at least 90% and your punctuality has been excellent, and (b) you have fulfilled all the conditions of your Agreement. Your Bursary may also be suspended due to non-completion of homework/coursework and this suspension will only be lifted when the subject teacher has confirmed in writing that the assignment in question has been completed/handed in.
Payments are made directly to the student on a termly basis. If a decision is taken to stop a payment you will be notified as soon as possible by the Bursary Administrator. Where a decision is taken that you should not receive a payment, you have the right of appeal to Mr P Larner, Headteacher. Appeals should be made in writing and within two weeks of the decision date.
Evidence of attendance and punctuality will be taken from the registers at the start of each morning and afternoon session. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have been marked on the register correctly. Please make sure you have been seen in registration, particularly when there is an assembly.
If you arrive at school late you must sign in using the iD reader or at the Student Data Office, even if you have been to a medical appointment that you have informed us about. This is so that we have a record of who is in the building in the event of an emergency. If you have permission to sign out at 12.30 on certain days, please sign out using the iD reader or at the Student Data Office. If you are due to go on work experience/study leave, you must advise the Bursary Administrator beforehand. Likewise, if you are due to go on a trip/visit/sporting event with the school, you must advise the Bursary Administrator – do not assume that it will be known about. A list of definitions of absences, both acceptable and unacceptable, can be found here. 
Throughout each week you will have a number of study periods. It is important that you use these periods appropriately – it may be deemed necessary to check that this is the case. 
If you think you are eligible for a bursary, please complete the student application form and a Bursary form and return them to the Bursary Administrator by Friday 6th October 2023 at the latest. Proof of income will be required to support applications and should include a tax credit/Universal Credit award or two other forms of evidence, i.e.:
Please note that photocopies cannot be accepted. 
Learners and their parents should understand that the available fund is limited. Any appeals against decisions should be made in writing to the Headteacher.
Any attempt to obtain the Bursary by deception (i.e. forging of signatures and/or deliberately providing misleading information) will be considered a severe breach of your Contract and is a criminal offence. In such a case, the School reserves the right to suspend your payments for the remainder of your stay in the Sixth Form.