Careers Policy

Mission Statement

The Campion School is part of the Catholic Community with a shared mission to make Christ known to all young people.  We aim to develop young people that follow in Christ’s example.  Our students, through loving compassionate action, aim to be agents for social justice in society. In the Jesuit tradition, we foster the gift of discernment through the wisdom of Ignatian spirituality to enable our students to look at their own gifts, assess situations, pay attention to various clues, approach decision making prayerfully, and ultimately choose well according to our faith and our life situation.

For their Careers education, we ensure that each one of our students is given objective, comprehensive, current and tailored guidance and education throughout their time at the school. Our Careers programme is built firmly on the Gatsby Benchmark guidance. This is to inspire our pupils to make informed choices about their future careers, to be able to serve their communities using their unique qualities and skills and to thrive as a whole person.