SEN & Disabilities

This page provides information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities support available for students attending The Campion School a Roman Catholic Boys’ Comprehensive Science Academy with a co-educational Sixth Form.

How does the school know if students need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special needs?

On entry and other points of transition, Campion liaises very closely with primary schools and other providers to ensure that our information is up to date and relevant. Where necessary, some individualised arrangements can be put into place for students who may be vulnerable over this period. Detailed plans and interventions will already be in place for students whose needs are already identified on entry. If a teacher or parent/carer perceives there may be a problem which has not been previously been identified, they can meet with the SENDCo by arrangement. The SENDCo will then examine the most recent data, speak to relevant staff and if necessary undertake additional tests/ investigations. Attendance, learning data and other well-being indicators are regularly monitored to ascertain the need for additional support.  The views of parents and carers are important to us and vital to this process, if you feel that your child has special needs, it is always possible to contact the school and share your concern which will always be investigated:

E.mail –   – for the attention of the SENDCo

How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

A decision about how much support is allocated is dependent on the level of need and impact of interventions. If a young person is the subject of an Education, Health, Care Plan, we always ensure that statutory requirements are met. We also seek and follow guidance from other professionals working with the child/family and respect the wishes and feelings of the young person and parents/carers.

How will Campion staff support my child?

Campion staff will undertake to deliver quality first teaching and the SENDCo will ensure that interventions impact positively in terms of outcomes for the students and represent best possible practice. We aim to be as flexible as possible in ensuring bespoke provision where needs warrant.  Staff are available by appointment to meet with parents/carers to discuss concerns. Review meetings, Parents’ Information Evenings and meetings with Subject Teachers (once a year) all help to provide the best support and guidance for all students.  Staff have regular training to enable them to support students with special educational needs. 

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

There is appropriate academic provision for gifted and talented students and those whose learning may need significant support. We maintain an inclusive approach to educating students, and therefore the majority of support is delivered within lessons. Sometimes this may involve other educational establishments using alternative provision as a vehicle for success.  We liaise regularly with examination boards to implement appropriate access arrangements.

How will I know how my child is doing?

All students are provided with a journal with capacity for shared information between home and school. Student achievement data is gathered, collated and monitored regularly and shared with parents at Parents’ Evenings, and via the annual report and academic review. The data will also be used to identify concerns around progress and interventions implemented. The subsequent data will be used to measure the impact of intervention. Parents are informed of their child’s behaviour and achievement on a daily basis. Parents will have the opportunity to discuss progress with their child’s teachers at scheduled consultation events, review meetings or by e.mail through the parent portal.

What Support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

The Form Tutor is the student’s most consistent and stable point of contact. They will support students on a day to day basis and can respond to most routine concerns or enquires. The Heads of Year, Pastoral officers and Pupil Welfare Officer add to the support network providing support and advice in relation to academic, pastoral and medical concerns. There are also the Heads of Lower and Upper School who oversee the support structures within the school. In addition, we work with the Local Education Authority and regularly seek advice and guidance from the Educational Psychology team and The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society.

How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

We aim to involve parents as a source of expertise around the needs of their child. There is the opportunity to discuss your child’s learning, review progress and set new targets during Annual Reviews.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

We actively seek to ensure that all students are included in all activities including trips.  If trips are oversubscribed, Senior Staff will apply selection criteria based on attendance, progress and general levels of behaviour.

How accessible is Campion School environment?

A number of the buildings at Campion are old with narrow corridors and staircases. Although there is a lift, it is normally only used by site staff for transporting goods and not suitable for students; ramps are strategically placed around the site. However, the site is large and access to some areas can be challenging.  Access to specialist teaching areas is very limited due to the age and structure of the buildings.

How will Campion prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or to the next stage of education.

We aim to ensure that transitions are positive and will implement a supportive package as needed. We aim to involve all appropriate agencies at other points of transition to ensure that the process runs smoothly and with a good outcome. We are always keen to discuss and plan with parents/carers to ensure the transition is a positive experience for the student.  Where appropriate, Prospects will provide independent careers’ advice and guidance.  Meetings with Local Authority staff may also support transition phases as they have access to a wide knowledge and understanding of alternative provision which may best suit an individual.